På låven sitter nissen

The song being played is entitled : "På låven sitter nissen", The "nisse" is in the barn. The song is about a "nisse" eating his Christmas porridge - but the rats are dancing around annoying him. At last the "nisse" says he will go fetch the cat - and finally the rats give up.
På låven sitter nissen med sin julegrøt så god og søt, så god og søt.Han nikker, og han smiler, og han er så glad,for julegrøten vil han gjerne ha.
Men rundt omkring står alle de små rotter,og de skotter, og de skotter De vil så gjerne ha litt julegodter,
og de danse, danser rundt i ring.
Men nissen, se han truer med sin store skje: ``nei, bare se og kom av sted, for julegrøten min den vil jeg ha i fred,og ingen, ingen vil jeg dele med.``
Men rottene de hopper, og de danser, og de svinser, og de svanser, og klorer etter grøten og de danser, og de står om nissen tett i ring.
Men nissefar, han er en liten hissigpropp, og med sin kropp han gjør et hopp.
``Jeg henter katten hvis dere ikke holder opp! Når katten kommer, skal det nok bli stopp.``
Da løper alle rottene så bange,
ja, så bange,ja, så bange,
og de svinser, og de svanser noen ganger, og en, to, tre så er de vekk.


Norwegian Christmas Tree Baskets

Take two pieces of colored paper about 8x12 cm and fold them in half (where the scissor is) before rounding the edge on the top. Cut several slots 2/3 of the way up from the bottom on both halves.

Weave the two sides together as shown. This isn't as difficult as it seems. Weave the strips through each other by "opening" and closing" them.-
Take a green strip and "open" the first loop. Then pull a red strip through. Now open the same red strip and pull the next green strip (closed) through.  

Make a handle and glue it to the insides of the basket.

Hang the basket on your Christmas tree and fill it up with nuts and candy! 

Santa Facts:

The Norwegian word for Santa Claus, "Julenisse" is a combination a Christian name (Nils = Nikolaus) and the hedonistic word for Christmas, Yule.

Carpenter Andersen

One of the most popular Norwegian Christmas Stories is "Carpenter Andersen" written by Alf Prøysen in 1971. The story has been shown on national TV and played in many local theaters cross the country.
"Once there was a father called Andersen, the Carpenter and he had a lot of children, like fathers usually do. One Christmas Eve, he slipped out of the house while his wife....." 
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Christmas Tree Facts:

Did you know that the Christmas trees at Union Station, Washington D.C., Trafalgar Square in London and Edinburgh, Scotland are from Norway?

In 1947 the British authorities received a Christmas tree from Oslo as a special thanks for the help and support Britain gave to Norway and Norwegians during the occupation years from 1940 to 1945. Since then, the Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square has become an annual tradition.